Meplaw Italia
Meplaw Italia was established in 2019, built upon the foundations of the esteemed legal firm “Studio Legale Maggesi”, which has been a well-established presence in the Roman area since the 1980s. The four founding partners of the firm are: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi, Managing Partner of the firm; Avv. Prof. Luigi Maggesi; Avv. Lorenzo Macchi, and Avv. Prof. Francesco Mazza.
Meplaw Italia is established with 5 offices in 4 Italian cities:
- Rome, where it has two offices, one for legal and administrative purposes, and the other operational, situated in the heart of the historical center.
- Milan
- Viareggio, headquarter of the Department of Shipping and Yachting
- Varese
Within these offices, there are 4 Founding Partners, 3 Italian Partners, and several Associates, in addition to numerous consultants and Of Counsels.
Meplaw Italia operates in the following areas of activity:
- Web Law and New Technologies: Meplaw has a consolidated experience in web law. The firm represents a key factor for start-ups and multinationals wishing to ride the wave of opportunities given by the development of new technologies.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi – Managing Partner
- Commercial and Corporate Law: the firm has been involved for many years in assisting companies in commercial, corporate, and contract law, assisting clients in protecting their business in order to avoid errors and pitfalls typical of domestic and cross-border transactions. Simultaneously, the firm facilitates the implementation of clients’ projects in a straightforward and cost-effective manner.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi – Managing Partner
- Shipping and Transportation Law: The firm has been dealing with Maritime Shipping Law for several years and provides legal advice in domestic and international trade with a focus on the exchange of goods across all sectors of raw materials. Meplaw assists key players in the transport and logistics sector and especially shipowners, charterers, shipping agents, forwarders, insurance companies, shipyards, manufacturers, and suppliers.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Lorenzo Macchi – Founding Partner
- Yachting Law: MEPLAW offers a comprehensive range of legal and corporate services specifically focused on the yachting industry.
MEPLAW consistently assists key players in the yachting industry, including shipowners, brokers, shipyards, charter and management companies, banks, and insurance companies.
- Head of Department: Avv. Lorenzo Macchi – Founding Partner
- Criminal Law: Thanks to the presence of academically and professionally recognized experts, Meplaw provides individuals and companies with legal advisory services in all aspects of criminal law.
- Head of the Department: Prof. Francesco Mazza – Founding Partner
- Internationalization: For companies today, “internationalizing their business” has become essential. Therefore, Meplaw includes professionals, lawyers, and certified public accountants, qualified in various relevant jurisdictions, to assist both companies and individuals throughout the entire process of internationalization.
- Heads of the Department: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi – Managing Partner e Avv. Lorenzo Macchi – Founding Partner
- Privacy Law: The firm has been actively engaged in privacy matters for many years through a team of lawyers and consultants. Meplaw delivers comprehensive legal services in the areas of Privacy and GDPR, with a primary goal of researching, studying, and implementing new data processing and security methods that consider all aspects.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Massimo Cimò – Senior Associate
- Gambling, Gaming, and Skill Game Law: Meplaw specializes in gaming and betting, providing legal assistance to individuals and businesses within the realm of lawful gaming. The firm assists Italian, European, and overseas bookmakers and has been closely involved with numerous Skill Games Companies across Europe.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi – Managing Partner
- Civil Law: Since its inception, the firm has been offering judicial and extrajudicial legal assistance to individuals and corporations in all matters related to civil law. The firm has a consolidated experience in matters of civil liability, family law, obligations as well as real rights and succession. Additionally, it represents clients during the pre-litigation phase of disputes and throughout ordinary and special judicial proceedings.
- Head of the Department: Annalisa Crisci – Senior Associate
- Sports Law: Meplaw provides assistance to both professional and non-professional sports organizations in all matters related to sports. Additionally, the firm advises athletes on contractual, sponsorship, and partnership issues. The department collaborates closely with scouts, agents, sports clubs, and corporate managers in Italy and abroad.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Prof. Luigi Maggesi – Founding Partner
- Innovation Law: The department focuses on addressing all initiatives within the realm of innovation. It endeavors to establish a dialogue between law and other sciences involved in the production of innovative elements, providing solutions to those who endeavor to introduce new systems, new regulations, and new methods of production.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Prof. Fabio Maggesi – Managing Partner
- Business Networks: The department specializes in establishing national and international business networks, starting from their formation and providing legal consultancy throughout the network’s developmental stages.
- Head of the Department: Avv. Cristina Flati – Senior Associate
- Immigration Law: The immigration department specializes in assisting and counseling both individuals and companies on issues related to their immigration status, focusing on visa, residence and work permits as well as citizenship applications.
Luigi Maggesi
Position Director Partner
Title Avvocato Prof
Dep. Sport
Office Rome
Languages IT
Fabio Maggesi
Position Managing Partner
Title Avvocato Prof
Dep. Web Law
Office Rome
Languages IT- EN
Lorenzo Macchi
Position Founding Partner
Title Avvocato
Dep. Shipping
Office London
Languages IT – EN
Francesco Mazza
Position Founding Partner
Title Avvocato Prof
Dep. Criminal law
Office Rome
Languages IT