Luca Marco Giraldin:
Ruolo: Partner

Laureato in International Economics and Management all’Università Bocconi ed in International Management presso la École de Management de Lyon. Ha lavorato come dirigente e consulente aziendale nell’ambito dell’internazionalizzazione e della strategia per diversi gruppi multinazionali e PMI tra l’Europa Centro-Meridionale, l’Asia ed il Nord America.
Dal 2014, vive e lavora tra New York, Milano e Roma, supportando privati, imprese ed imprenditori nei loro progetti di internazionalizzazione, immigrazione, sviluppo, relocation ed investimento negli Stati Uniti d’America.
Esperto nella gestione e promozione del “made in Italy”, nel 2019 entra in MEPLAW all’interno del dipartimento di diritto commerciale, societario e internazionale, gestendo gli export desk di New York, Londra e Roma.
Dal 2021 diventa Partner di MEPAMERICA, la realtà di MEPGROUP specializzata nella consulenza aziendale, fiscale e legale per gli Stati Uniti d’America.


Si occupa professionalmente di

  • Management Consulting
  • International Business Development
  • Commercio Italia-USA
  • Import-Export per il made in Italy
  • Diritto societario e commerciale U.S.A.
  • Diritto immigratorio U.S.A.

>> Laurea in International Economics & Management, Università Bocconi (Milano, 2011)
>> Laurea Magistrale in International Management, EM Lyon (Lione) e ECNU (Shanghai, 2014)
>> Exchange Program c/o ECNU (Shanghai), EHL (Losanna) e U.S.C. (Los Angeles)
>> Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Padova (in corso)

>> Direttore U.S.A. per Kanz Consulting (Londra)
>> Consulente in Internazionalizzazione Aziendale U.S.A. per la Regione del Veneto
>> Junior Consultant per Richemont S.A. (Ginevra)
>> Executive per diverse realtà imprenditoriali nel campo del made in Italy
>> Relatore di Luxury Brand Management presso l’Università Ca’ Foscari (Venezia, 2014)
>> Docente di International Management per Manpower Italia (Milano, 2016)
>> Direttore del Rome Business Game in collaborazione con LUISS e UNINT (Roma, 2016-18)

>> È socio e Presidente di MEP MFL USA INC. (Consulenza USA – Import-Export e Immigration)
>> È socio e Partner di MEP MMA INC. (Consulenza USA – Corporate Governance)
>> È stato socio di capitale di diverse società nel campo del luxury ed import-export
>> È stato socio ed A.D. di GI.BE. International nel campo dell’hospitality
>> Board Member di diverse associazioni nel campo delle relazioni internazionali
>> Fondatore e Board Member di diverse associazioni e charities per i diritti LGBT

>> Italiano
>> Inglese
>> Tedesco
>> Francese

Luca Marco Giraldin:
Role: Partner

He graduated in International Economics and Management from Bocconi University and in International Management from the École de Management de Lyon. He has worked as an executive and business consultant in internationalisation and strategy for several multinational groups and SMEs in Central and Southern Europe, Asia and North America. Since 2014, he has been living and working between New York, Milan and Rome, supporting individuals, companies and entrepreneurs in their internationalisation, immigration, development, relocation and investment projects in the United States of America.
Expert in the management and promotion of “made in Italy”, in 2019 he joins MEPLAW within the commercial, corporate and international law department, managing the export desks in New York, London and Rome.
From 2021 he becomes Partner of MEPAMERICA, the MEPGROUP reality specialised in business, tax and legal consulting for the United States of America.

He deals with:

  • Management Consulting
  • International Business Development
  • Italy-USA trade
  • Import-Export for Made in Italy
  • Corporate and commercial law U.S.A.
  • Immigration law U.S.A.

BSc in International Economics & Management, Bocconi University (Milan, 2011)
>> Master’s Degree in International Management, EM Lyon (Lyon) and ECNU (Shanghai, 2014)
Exchange Program c/o ECNU (Shanghai), EHL (Lausanne) and U.S.C. (Los Angeles)
>> Master’s Degree in Law, University of Padua (ongoing)

>> U.S. Director for Kanz Consulting (London)
>> U.S. Business Internationalisation Consultant for the Veneto Region
>> Junior Consultant for Richemont S.A. (Geneva)
>> Executive for various entrepreneurial realities in the made in Italy field
>> Speaker on Luxury Brand Management at Ca’ Foscari University (Venice, 2014)
>> Lecturer in International Management for Manpower Italia (Milan, 2016)
>> Director of the Rome Business Game in collaboration with LUISS and UNINT (Rome, 2016-18)

>> Partner and President of MEP MFL USA INC. (US Import-Export and Immigration Consulting)
>> Member and Partner of MEP MMA INC. (US Consulting – Corporate Governance)
>> He has been an equity partner in several luxury and import-export companies
>> He has been a Partner and Managing Director of GI.BE. International in the field of hospitality
>> Board Member of several associations in the field of international relations
>> Founder and Board Member of several associations and charities for LGBT rights

>> Italian
>> English
>> German
>> French


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